
More from Larry Kramer... couldn't resist.

"In a world where buyers and sellers are getting maxed and middlemen are getting squeezed, the distribution model of television starts to fall apart.� The people who still make money are those who own the content no matter how it’s distributed.

The future is ownership of the content.� So, the media companies which concentrate on good content will do well.� It’s going to be painful as their business models change, but they will change and survive because people will still want good content.

On the other hand, if good content starts to disappear because people refuse to pay for it, then people will step up and pay because at the end of the day they want it.� We just have to give them easy ways to pay."


That's a refreshing, glass-half-full way of looking at it, which is cool. We have to believe that high quality, truly useful information will always trade at a premium, right? Right?!

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