
Generalists rule, finally

Don't you hate being a pioneer? Sometimes it feel like Van Gogh or one of those who had sold exactly one painting at the time fo their death. What a jip.

blo hard

What's Hot, What's Not: IT Skills You'll Need in 2010:

The IT worker of 2010 won't be a technology guru but rather a 'versatilist.'
Stacy Collett

July 17, 2006 (Computerworld) -- The most sought-after corporate IT workers in 2010 may be those with no deep-seated technical skills at all. The nuts-and-bolts programming and easy-to-document support jobs will have all gone to third-party providers in the U.S. or abroad. Instead, IT departments will be populated with 'versatilists' -- those with a technology background who also know the business sector inside and out, can architect and carry out IT plans that will add business value, and can cultivate relationships both inside and outside the company.

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