
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished-Computerworld

Mildly amusing account of real life IT support incidents, called Shark Tank

Sharktank -Computerworld:

That Doesn't Help

Frantic vice president calls IT manager pilot fish - he's trying to save a presentation from the network to a USB thumb drive for a ready-to-start board meeting, and nothing's working. It doesn't take fish long to find out why. "The thumb drive is jammed into the network port," reports fish. "I unplug it, put it into the USB slot, then plug the network cable back in, and the presentation is downloaded in seconds and stored. When I ask why the VP put the USB drive into the Ethernet port, he responds that he wanted to download the file from the network, so he put the key into the network port to speed up the process."

The Reason Why

This very pleasant department clerk is known for having very strange PC problems. 'The fix always seemed to be rebuilding her PC from scratch,' says a help desk pilot fish. But one day the clerk casually mentions that she tries to speed up her PC by deleting all files that are more than two years old. 'Her reasoning was that something that old couldn't possibly be of any use,' sighs fish. 'What followed was my futile attempt to explain how operating systems work and why deleting old files was not a good idea. But at least we found out what was happening to her computer."

Check the Sharktank Archives, full of silliness.

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